I recently picked up a Morse Darklord and am swapping it out for a Thornbucker, ML Standard Middle and a Duncan 59 in the neck, Guthrie wiring so as to split the humbuckers. Hopefully the combo works well together in terms of seamless taper of tones/hotness/clarity. All said and done, the thing is basically going to get into Suhr spec territory for < 2k! Not bad!
I also found a Suhr Rasmus S100 used on thegearpage and after every positive review I read and their rarity....no idea how many they actually made...pulled the trigger.
Seems a lot of fusion guys like the SSV+ which is stock in the bridge, but I'm thinking it might be too hot...Assuming I'm cool with the Slim C neckshape (I'm a little worried....), wondering if it would make sense to sell and drop in a Thornbucker PLUS. Have you tried/heard that one? Thoughts?
Wow, I haven't heard of most the gear you mentioned. ha ha Sorry, I haven't tried new pickups in many years.
That being said, I know I don't like any kind of hot pickups, no matter who makes them. The only thing that might be a little weird is that the Thornbucker is a lower output pickup that the '59. I like the Duncan Jazz pickup in the neck position more than the 59, but if you raise the Thornbucker close to the strings and lower the '59, you should get a good balance. I don't know the Thornbucker Plus, but I'm assuming it's a higher output version so I'd probably like the original more.
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